About Me

My photo
Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom
48 years old, married with no children but 6 dogs fill my life. Always loved sewing and have cross stitched and made minature and full sized bears and critters. Love gardening and growing from seed. Live in a mad house but its fun most of the time :) I work from home and hubby is a hgv driver. Im a cancer survivor of 5 years now i had womb cancer which lead to a hystorectomy but thanks to some wonderful doctors im fine now. Loving learning to quilt as i have always wanted to make a quilt, having done an adult learning course and been bored ridged im now with a great group and brilliant patient teacher :)

Friday, 1 July 2011

Finished swap items

Managed to get 2 swap items finished off today Yayyyyyyyyy!!

First is a mug rug..

Next is my first hexi swap..


Quiltjane said...

Love the mug rug and love, love the hexies.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Your swap partners should be very happy to recieve their special items!! Darling mug rug and love the hexies :)

Tarnyia said...

Your mug rug is just gorgeous xxx

Miss Hillbilly said...

Oh that is a wonderful mug rug for the first one! You are very talented!

Seams Sew Together said...

Love your hexies!

Karen said...

I love the mug rug and two very pretty flowers! Thank you for changing your comment setting. :)

Maria said...

Beautiful Hexies to add to your garden.

Quilter Raised in the South said...

what pretty hexies, I love how you used the stripes in the pink one. Great mug rug too!

Quilting Chemist (Danette) said...

What a great mug rug,like the flowers. Beautiful hexies to add to your garden.

Deb said...

I love how you used the strip in your hexie. It is so pretty!!

Deb from clutteredquilter.blogspot.com

Birdie said...

Pretty hexies, and your mug rug of so cute.