About Me

My photo
Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom
48 years old, married with no children but 6 dogs fill my life. Always loved sewing and have cross stitched and made minature and full sized bears and critters. Love gardening and growing from seed. Live in a mad house but its fun most of the time :) I work from home and hubby is a hgv driver. Im a cancer survivor of 5 years now i had womb cancer which lead to a hystorectomy but thanks to some wonderful doctors im fine now. Loving learning to quilt as i have always wanted to make a quilt, having done an adult learning course and been bored ridged im now with a great group and brilliant patient teacher :)

Thursday, 21 July 2011

no sewing today :(

Been up all night with an infection in my leg and feel pretty ill!
Waiting for the doctors to open so i can have a word and get some AB's no way can i sew today :(


Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Sorry to hear about your infection. Hope you can get some meds to clear it up soon.

Deb said...

I hope your start feeling better soon...and get a chance to add some blooms to your garden!

Deb from clutteredquilter.blogspot.com

flowerofshona said...

Thanks both for your lovely comments xxx
Im now on AB's and the fever is a little better. i may even do some stitching today yayyyyyyy!!

Miss Hillbilly said...

Ugh, hope you are feeling better. I saw your above comment so I guess you are a bit!